Kim Kardashian is a billionaire and the central figure in a world-famous family empire. How did that happen? Did they try their luck at 22Bet Bangladesh?

She is considered spoiled, superficial, materialistic and out of touch, famous for being famous. 

When asked about her alleged lack of talent, she replied on a talk show: “I run a successful brand based on people liking me for myself. I think that involves a certain amount of talent.”


Kim Kardashian: grew up in the glittering world of Beverly Hills. Reality TV star is her job title. When you watch the episodes of her series, which was discontinued after 14 years, you wonder what kind of reality it is, in which everyone has teeth as white as ancient statues and mirror-smooth skin that shimmers like the Malibu sunset.

Kardashian was born into the glittering cosmos of Beverly Hills. Her late father Ron Kardashian was a member of OJ Simpson’s legal team. Little Kim celebrated children’s birthdays at Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch and walked Madonna’s dog. 

Kim Kardashian was in “training” with it-girl Paris Hilton. After school, she goes into training with Paris Hilton. As her stylist, she learns what it takes to become famous without dabbling in things like singing or acting. The most important lesson: the first step is to market a private sex video. Her mother Kris Jenner seizes the opportunity and sells the lives of her eight-member clan, including minors, to the E! channel. From then on, everyone is under camera surveillance.

People in 160 countries now watch Kim Kardashian fall in love, break up, be ashamed of her “ugly cry face”, slap what she considers her work-shy sister Kourtney, have her butt x-rayed to prove that no implants are shaping it.

You see how Kim Kardashian marries rap star Kanye West, has four children or has them carried by a surrogate mother and gets richer and richer – mainly by posting cosmetics on Instagram. 190 million people follow her on the portal.

Otherwise Kim is normally nice, normally mean, normally boring. Despite the most tangible arguments: Family is her number one priority. “Siblings are like built-in best friends,” she says. What else is she like? Normal nice, normal mean, normal boring. “I’m not trying to be funny,” she replies to her sister Khloé, who calls her a “dull bitch”. She hardly drinks, goes to bed early, keeps every appointment. “You can say all sorts of things about me. But you can’t say I’m lazy,” she says.

She’s right: a man who runs a comparable business would hardly be accused of lacking talent. Kardashian belongs to the generation of female stars who use their bodies for profit, but reap the rewards alone. Her fortune: one billion dollars.

As the head of the family and manager, Kris Jenner naturally also makes money from all her daughters. She also designs clothes, writes cookbooks and even had her own talk show. With all of this, Kris has already made 113 million dollars. When it comes to self-promotion, the Kardashians are a force to be reckoned with.

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